Work at height
lifting and installing
About us

Experts in special works in high-altitude mountain areas
Recognized expertise in carrying out projects at high altitudes, installing ski lifts, cable installations and worksite cableways (Blondin ropeways).
What we do
Work at high altitude and special works
We provide inventive solutions, adapted to the specific needs of your project and its location.

Blondin ropeways – Worksite cableways
VLM is skilled in working with blondins, or worksite cableways, for lifting, positioning and depositing loads on your project sites.

Civil engineering and ski lifts
VLM covers the full installation process of all types of ski lifts.

Cable installations – Cable stringing
This is VLM’s true core speciality: stringing cable lines, pulling and shortening and winding up old cables.

Suspension footbridges – Viewing platforms
VLM carries out installation work for suspension footbridges, including simple ‘Himalayan’ suspension footbridges, and for footbridges with beams or corbel arches. The “VLM viewing perch” is a modular tourist viewpoint platform.
Quality, safety, environment

Key concerns at the heart of our business.
We are ISO 9001 certified, and strive for continual improvement to ensure our business is safe, environmentally-friendly and respectful towards each individual.
Contact us
Parc d’Activités Alpespace
201 Voie Vasco de Gama
73800 Sainte-Hélène-Du-Lac
Tel : 04 50 91 49 49
Send us by email